About Us
Hi there, we are Aleztubes.
In 2007 we decided to retail as well… and here we are as a first hand source for quality nos tubes and parts. What are the PROS and CONS of our decision?
Cons For Us :
- Almost doubled work hours due to painstaking effort given to every individual tube.
- The cost of hiring one more employee.
Pros For Us :
- Nominally little increase in profit margin regardless of wherever it goes and fades away…
- Pleasure of being directly in touch with audiophiles and guitar players and having 100% satisfied customers worldwide.
Pros For Customers :
Reaching a FIRST HAND source with huge stock where the tubes;
- are really NOS (even untouched in many cases) and not picked up in “one from here and another from there” manner as many e-bay resellers do
- have same factory codes
- given the stock volumes available, can be “matched” in real sense of the word
- have actual photos displayed on the site
- have reasonable prices.
Cons For Customers :
- Tendency to invest more on tube gear??? (smiley)
- Kindly tell us if any so that we can do our best to clear away.